Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Run Script at startup in Linux

Create a script which you want to run at your linux box start up

after creating a script open terminal and type

crontab -e

@reboot /path to /your /script

and save it.

run script at startup,start up scrip in linux,start up script in cent os,start up script in redhat,run script at startup in linux,run script at start up in redhat,run script at start up in cent os

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

use yum over proxy

open yum.conf file in any text editor or in terminal using

vi /etc/yum.conf

Add below line to the file

proxy = http://proxy server ip or hostname:port/

if connecting using login and password use

proxy = http://username:password@proxy server ip or hostname:port/

save and close the file.
yum over proxy,proxy for yum,yum with proxy,yum on proxy,configure yum to use with proxy,configure yum with proxy

Monday, October 22, 2012

Configure Samba Server

opent terminal & create simple linux user using,

adduser username

smbpasswd -a username

after creating the password for that user type below command to enable that samba user,

smbpasswd -e username

now, create the directory which you want to share

now open samba configuration file from /etc/samba/smb.conf

and add the lines as below :

[directory name]

             path = /path /to /directory
             writeable = yes
;            browseable = yes
             valid users = username
             create mask = 0755 or 755

save file and exit

after doing this change the owner of that directory and restart the service of samba.

configure samba server,samba server cent os,samba server redhat,configure samba server of cent os,configure samba server for redhat,samba for redhat,samba for cent os

Friday, October 12, 2012

Install LAMP Server on CentOS

First check httpd service is running or not

           /etc/init.d/httpd status

if its running, its ok else need to start

          /etc/init.d/httpd start

after starting httpd(apache) need to install mysql server

          yum install mysql-server

Now you need to start mysql daemon
          /etc/init.d/mysqld start

Now, log in to the mysql using
          mysql -u root -p
by default mysql root user doesn't have any password, when it asks for password just press enter and you will be logged in to the database.

if you want to create a password for root user,

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('password') WHERE     User = 'username';


after installing mysql-server you need to install php,
for installing php need to download some RPM files which contains additional YUM repository definitions.


 (1) wget
 (2) wget 5-4.noarch.rpm

Now, open the file remi.repo
      vi /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo

find the enabled option and set it to 1 and save it.

Now run command

yum install php php-cli php-gd php-mysql php-mbstring  php-mysql

now you're  done.

restart the daemon of httpd and check the version of php.

/etc/init.d/httpd restart
php -v or php --version


lamp server,lamp on linux,lamp server configuration,configure lamp server,lamp server on cent os,lamp server on redhat,lamp configuration on centos,lamp configuration on redhat

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Enable Root User for FTP

To access FTP using root user just need to follow three simple steps and its done.

(1) go to /etc/vsftpd directory
(2) remove root from user_list file
(3) remove root from ftpuser file

now restart the service of ftp and its done.
Enable root for ftp,ftp with root,enable root user for ftp in linux,enable root user for ftp in cent os,enable root user for ftp in redhat