Monday, October 22, 2012

Configure Samba Server

opent terminal & create simple linux user using,

adduser username

smbpasswd -a username

after creating the password for that user type below command to enable that samba user,

smbpasswd -e username

now, create the directory which you want to share

now open samba configuration file from /etc/samba/smb.conf

and add the lines as below :

[directory name]

             path = /path /to /directory
             writeable = yes
;            browseable = yes
             valid users = username
             create mask = 0755 or 755

save file and exit

after doing this change the owner of that directory and restart the service of samba.

configure samba server,samba server cent os,samba server redhat,configure samba server of cent os,configure samba server for redhat,samba for redhat,samba for cent os