Thursday, December 13, 2012

Create AVD in Eclipse JUNO

go to Run -> Run Configuration

it will open Run Configuration Window

In Left side of Window there is option of

Android Application, Double click on that.

Now in Right Side Click on Target

Now got down side, and click on Manager

Create Your AVD and its done. create avd,create avd in eclipse juno,eclipse juno,juno

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Configure Android SDK on Eclipse JUNO in Ubuntu

Download Eclipse Juno from

After Downloading extract file.

make one Directory with any name mine is EclipseAndroid

Copy and Paste Extracted eclipse directory to it.

Open Eclipse

go to Help -> Install New Software

Click on Add
in Name give any Name
in site paste this url : "" and click ok

it will download the ADT Plug-ins and install it.
it will ask for restarting Eclipse press No and exit Eclipse.

Now download Android SDK from

extract the file and paste it to EclipseAndroid Directory.

Start Eclipse and go to Windows -> Prefrences and set the path of Android Sdk

it will start downloading and installing all the required plug-ins and tools for android development.

After doing all these need to set the PATH in .profile

PATH="$PATH:/path/android-sdk-linux/tools/:/path/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools" configure android sdk,android sdk eclipse,android sdk eclipse juno,eclipse juno,configure sdk in juno in ubuntu,eclipse juno ubuntu